Sammy Semibreve’s First Piano Book is an introduction to the piano for very young beginners, a fun music activity workbook for children just starting out on the big adventures of learning to read and write and learning piano. It’s colourful, interactive and fun! Pictures, characters, rhymes, clapping songs, simple text and varied activities help children discover the exciting world of music at the piano. With this book, you can easily help your child take their first steps towards learning piano even if you don’t know anything about music yourself. Watch and listen as they discover why Sammy Semibreve has a four on his shirt, what Doggie D is saying when his ears are up, who lives at the bottom of the piano and who lives at the top, why pianos are like zebras and much, much more.


Your child can use the book at piano lessons but they will also love reading it at home with you and doing the activities together. Whether you have a piano or a keyboard at home – you will have fun!


This book is different. It does not burden the learner with formal notation or even which note is which on the piano. Each section of the book introduces a new topic in an innovative and appealing way, with headings such as ‘What can you hear?’ and ‘Upstairs, downstairs’.  Your child will feel at home with the engaging characters, pictures and activities and find the text clear and easy to understand. They will want to talk about what they can see and hear and will want to find out more!


Right from the start, your child can focus on developing their musical skills. In no time at all, they will be composing and performing their own tunes, ‘writing them down’ by cutting out the musical shapes and sticking them in the book. They will learn to listen to their playing and evaluate their work. Clapping songs,  puzzles and colouring pages will help them along the way and they can even make handprints and their very own drum. All the time, they are starting to associate what they see with what they play, ready for when they learn to read music later on, and when they reach the end of the book, there is a certificate to help them celebrate their achievements!


Don’t miss this opportunity to give your child a great start in music. You can discover more about how the book works, how to use it and why it is so uniquely suited to this age-group in ‘Your Questions Answered’ at the beginning of Sammy Semibreve’s First Piano Book.

"My 5 year old daughter and I used this in the summmer holidays prior to her starting piano lessons. It is a great book, ideal for young children as an introduction to rhythm and the piano. There are colouring in pages, cutting out pages, things to do together and things to do on your own. When you finish the book there is even a certificate. I wish I'd had this when I was starting out! Great fun."

Anne B